We live in a cancel culture. It really doesn’t take much. It also feels nearly impossible to avoid offending someone, if not groups of people, for doing nothing at all, saying nothing at all, saying too much, not having the right tone, not having a long enough disclaimer, or thinking a disclaimer will keep you from offending anyone. I enter into this land of blogging knowing that no matter how hard I try, there will likely be someone out there who stumbles across this and feels offended, no matter what my intentions are. There may even be people seeking to be offended, and that is more likely than not, to which this blog absolutely can and will feed their insatiable offendedness, so to that, I say bon appetit.
So, while this page will appear as little more than an ass-covering ploy, there are a few points I’d like out there, right up front, sitting there where you don’t need to search for it.
I am not an expert in anything. Any opinions I share are just that, opinions I’ve developed based on my own observations from my perspective living my life up to this point. Those opinions may not reflect opinions I’ve had in the past, and I may have said things or done things in the past that contradict the opinions expressed here. My opinions may change again from what I express here. Any post I write is therefore not a declaration on how I feel other than at the point of my life when which I wrote it.
Any experience I have had or will have, there will be someone out there who has experienced worse, and likely far worse in ways I cannot imagine. I cannot relate to everyone’s experiences, and any thoughts I share cannot take into account any and all experiences any and all readers who may enter here have experienced. If I have not experienced what you have experienced, and you react that I don’t know what it’s like to have experienced what you have or to view things from your perspective, you are absolutely right 100% of the time. I do not know your life or your experiences or your perspectives, and this site is not meant to tell you ever that I do.
While I believe anyone who shares anything in a public space has an obligation to share with consideration what the outcome may be to having shared, I also cannot repeat my disclaimers at length on every post, which is why this page is propped up neatly beside my About Me.